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2023 Field Biology Award: Norine Yeung As a malacologist focusing on Pacific Island land snails (the world’s most threatened animal group), Norine Yeung, along with her colleagues, have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of Hawaiian land snails. The work she has helped lead has…

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Randi Rollins PhD Defense

Impact of environment, host microbiome, and stress on Angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lungworm) transmission Randi L. RollinsPhD CandidateZoology Graduate Program Ph.D. Defense Committee: Robert Cowie (chair), Anthony Amend, Rebecca Chong, Matthew Medeiros, Amber Wright August 2nd 2023 @ 12:00 p.m.Location: St.…

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Kewalo Marine Laboratory celebrates 50 years

A leading institution in exceptional marine biology—the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Kewalo Marine Laboratory (KML) celebrated its 50th anniversary in August.  KML, housed in the UH Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, began operations in 1972,…

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Leaving a lasting ocean legacy

Island communities have developed some of the most effective practices to support the sustainable use of coastal and ocean resources, we just need to take heed. In a vast ocean area with around 30,000 known islands, traditional navigators of the…

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