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Randi Rollins PhD Defense

Impact of environment, host microbiome, and stress on Angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lungworm) transmission Randi L. RollinsPhD CandidateZoology Graduate Program Ph.D. Defense Committee: Robert Cowie (chair), Anthony Amend, Rebecca Chong, Matthew Medeiros, Amber Wright August 2nd 2023 @ 12:00 p.m.Location: St.…

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Accidental Host – The Story of Rat Lungworm Disease

"Accidental Host - The Story of Rat Lungworm Disease" is a 53-minute documentary about a silently-spreading foodborne parasite that invades human brains and now thrives in tropical areas of five continents, including Hawaii and the southeastern U.S. The film features…

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Rat Lungworm Disease

Adult male and female (with red and white barber-pole spirals) rat lungworms in the pulmonary artery of a rat (Photo: Nicole Yoneishi, Medeiros lab). Randi Rollins, PhD student in Robert Cowie’s PBRC lab, recently published the second in a pair…

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Rat lungworm Disease in Hawaii

Dr. Robert Cowie of PBRC discusses the rat lungworm problem in Hawaii in aninterview for ThinkTechHawaii that aired live on 10 March 2017. The ratlungworm is a parasite with a natural life cycle that involves snails andrats as hosts. However,…

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