Pacemaker potential: Supplemental material

Supplementary information for the "Pacemaker potential" entry in the 2003 Web-CDROM edition of the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, edited by George Adelman and Barry Smith (Elsevier, publ.), maintaind by Dan Hartline. Additions, corrections and suggestions are welcome


  1. Updates
  2. Historical
  3. Repetitive firing
  4. Burst pacemaker potentials
  5. Pacemaker potentials in non-neuronal cells
  6. Citations

1. Updates, Feedback and Further Details

2. Historical

3. Burst pacemaker potentials

  • h-current potentials
  • Calcium-activated outward current model
  • Calcium-activated inward current model:

4. Repetitive firing trajectories

5. Pacemaker potentials in non-neuronal cells

6. Citations

Links to related sites

Hartline Home Page. Stomatogastric Nervous System web site Plateau potential page.