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Reproductive Data for Conus abbreviatus
egg diameter 170 um
reproductive season January, February, July, and August
development Found in the plankton for the length of time required to change columellar length from 270-300 um to more than 1100 um; prehatching period: 14 -15 days, hatching size: 0.270 mm, pelagic period: 32 days, settling size: 1.120 mm
occurrence Kaneohe Bay Sampan Channel in the plankton; 2) subtidal reef platforms, e.g. Hauula, Oahu; 3) limestone benches and basaltic tidepools e.g., Kahuku and Nanakuli, Oahu
references 1) J.B. Taylor in Planktonic Prosobranch Veligers of Kaneohe Bay, 1975; 2) F.E. Perron in The Reproductive Ecology of Conus in Hawaii, 1981; 3) E. A. Kay in The Systematics of the Cypraeidae Elucidated by a Study of Cypraea caputserpentis and Related Forms, 1957

Phylogenetic Information
phylum Mollusca
class Gastropoda (subclass Prosobranchia)
order Neogastropoda
family Conidae
genus Conus
species abbreviatus
reproduction method sexual